Bale Blind

Stalk and Spook Bale Blind

This bale blind was made by a friend of Team Stalk and Spook, Matt T. Norris.  We thought it'd be a good idea to put up some pictures of it to give you an idea on how to build your own.  Anything to minimize your spooking tendancies is a good idea in my opinion. Most of the process was followed from this post, a post.  It's got good some good step by step directions, but thought we'd show you our pictures.  It has great instructions on the crop and grass matting, and we didn't get great pictures on it, so checking it out there will help you out.

Also, after this one was made, increasing the width of the blind may be useful and making sure the windows are big enough to shoot through is a must.

What you'll need: 

15 pieces of 10 foot metal conduit

50 foot roll of chicken wire

Roll of baler twine, green, 250 feet

60 nuts & bolts, 1/4" x 1½ inch bolt